At Stourbridge we are very lucky to have the facilities we all enjoy and a great level of rugby to play or watch. There's a host of people who help to deliver these high standards, but as ever, we always need more help. Here's a few things that we need volunteers for:
Recent home Saturday games and the Friday Night Lights games have attracted good crowds, creating a great atmosphere which helps players and spectators alike. We have a number of ways of delivering the message out there about the games we're hosting, but getting posters around schools, shops, businesses who are prepared to support us, public buildings, etc. is difficult to do each week. PDFs of the next 4 home game posters can be downloaded at the bottom of this story - please download them and distribute them to as many place as you can - but please get permission to post them up!
Also, if there's anyone who feels they can make a contribution with Communications, please contact Mark Denison on 07875 337295 or
Maintaining and improving our excellent facilities is a never-ending job. There's a number of priority projects that will be needing volunteers over the coming months: