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Sat 10th September

Sat 10th September

Louise Hibbert9 Sep 2022 - 11:42
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Rugby to continue

We have just received the RFUs announcement that all rugby will continue this weekend.
Information below:
GAME UPDATE: The official guidance we have received from Government is that there can be respectful continuation of sport at all levels this weekend.
The overwhelming opinions shared so far within the game, are that teams and supporters want to come together to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to be united in our grief as we express sorrow at her passing.
Rugby, at its heart, is about community and bringing people together, in good times and in sad. Rugby clubs are a source of strength and support during times of uncertainty, and we hope that by enabling games and other rugby activity to go ahead this weekend, with families and friends congregating it will help us all to unite at this time of national mourning.
We strongly encourage all those playing sport this weekend to respectfully pay tribute to Her Majesty The Queen by holding a minute’s silence ahead of all fixtures this weekend. This an opportunity for teams from different areas to join together in honouring and celebrating her life.

Therefore, Stourbridge Rugby Football Club will continue with our rugby activity.
As we are in a period of national mourning, we do not feel it appropriate to continue with our Family fun day, so we have re-scheduled this till Saturday 1st October in conjunction with our Ex Players-Luncheon. We would still love to see as many of our M&J's and their families at Stourton Park and welcome them to line the pitch in our one minute silence.

Stourbridge Rugby Club stands with the nation in mourning the great loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and we will use this time to unify in reflecting and remembering our longest – reigning monarch. The dedication and service that she has shown for over 70 years to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and to her other realms, was exceptional and an inspiration to us all.

Further reading